8 March
15.30 Walk-in and welcome by moderator Hasna El Maroudi.
16.00 Introduction theme Transition & sustainability by Mijke Loeven (director BIMHUIS) en Boudewijn Berendsen (business director Muziekgebouw).
16.30 Keynote: Challenging the status quo by Hanane Abaydi (corporate activist, FDBCK Agency).
16.50 Keynote: Impact and importance European collaboration project Footprints by Garance Amieux (Périscope) and Gwendolenn Sharp (founder The Green Room).
17.00 Rondtable discussions with Parvinder Marwaha (Design Programme Manager, British Council), Marquerite Courtel (founder Les Augures) and Jean Perrissin (Le Cabaret Vert).
19.00 Presentation of the new project Better Live.
20.30 Concerts: Teis Semey Quintet & Amalia Umeda Quartet
9 March
15:30 Walk-in and welcome by moderator Hasna El Maroudi.
16:00 Keynote: Being a musician in present times by jazz drummer Jim Black.
16:30–18.00 Round table discussions with Sun Mi Hong (drummer), Damine Cluzel (guitarist) en Jim Black (drummer).
20.30 Double concert: Liv Andrea Hauge & Pixvae
23.00 Late night performance by the Viennese band Purple is the Colour at De Ruimte