Based on the extraordinary vivacity of French and German jazz scene, and the impact that could have on it, some cross-border cooperation in the field of jazz and improvised music, the festival Jazzdor Strasbourg has done an important work with the artistic scene across the Rhine and has reached true partnerships with German professionals through
Created in 1994 and the first project which symbolised Afijma’s international action, the program of inviting foreign professionals (programmers and journalists) represents a crucial action in terms of encouraging the dissemination of French musicians around foreign festivals and of bringing about a renewal of our own European programming in return. This project has a direct
AJC network is gathered under a charter AJC’s charter establishes several priorities for the members in the way the organise their structure and their artistic project. Thus is valued the commitment for the promotion of jazz and its musicians, both in our territories in Europe. This charter is also a important élément of our network
Sacem and AJC linked up to found JazzShuttle, a initiative to encourage French-British collaboration for creative jazz and improvised music. This fund has been created to encourage the creation and dissemination of new projects. The aim of JazzShuttle is to encourage a dynamic cultural exchange process, along with an enrichment and expansion of the artistic
La Sacem et AJC se sont associées pour fonder Jazz Shuttle afin d’encourager la collaboration franco-britannique dans le domaine du jazz de création et des musiques improvisées. Jazz Shuttle a pour but de favoriser une dynamique d’échanges culturels, un enrichissement et un élargissement du dialogue artistique entre les deux pays. Depuis 2012, ce projet veut
Pro Helvetia encourage la création artistique en Suisse, contribue aux échanges culturels à l’intérieur du pays, soutient la diffusion de la culture suisse à l’étranger et s’engage en faveur de la médiation culturelle, par le biais de son réseau de centres culturels et de bureaux de liaison à l’étranger, dans le cadre de programmes propres.
Strengthen French programming in Scandinavia, and vice versa The French Nordic Jazz Transit exchange program was initiated in 2002 by the AFIJMA and its Nordic partners; its purpose was to consolidate the existing networks, develop new partnerships between the two European centers and strengthen French programming in Scandinavia and vice versa. AJC members have therefore
Renforcer la programmation française en Scandinavie, et réciproquement Le programme d’échanges French Nordic Jazz Transit a été initié en 2002 par l’AFIJMA et ses partenaires nordiques ; son objet était de consolider les réseaux déjà en place, de développer de nouveaux partenariats entre ces deux pôles européens et de renforcer la programmation française en Scandinavie
This Franco-Italian festival, Una Striscia di Terra Feconda, born in 1998 was born out of the historically productive musical relationships between French and Italian jazz musicians, but is also the fruit of a long-term rapport established between Paolo Damiani, musician and director of the ONJ 2000-2003, and Armand Meignan, director of the festival Europajazz in
Ce festival, dont la première a eu lien en 1998, est né des relations historiques musicales fécondes entre les musiciens de jazz français et les musiciens de jazz italiens mais est aussi le fruit d’une complicité de longue date nouée entre Paolo Damiani, musicien, directeur de l’ONJ 2000-2003, et Armand Meignan, alors président d’AJC, et